Grant Process
Blanket Fort Foundation reviews grant applications three times a year. In order to apply for a grant, your organization must be a 501c3 (or work with a fiscal sponsor). Please explore the home and funding areas pages of our website to ensure that the mission and values of your organization align with those of Blanket Fort Foundation. If you believe that the Foundation is a good fit as a funding partner to your organization, please contact to talk about next steps.

Applying for Funds
If your organization has received funds from us previously, email us to set up a meeting to discuss next steps and our grant application.
If your organization has not previously received funding from us, the first step of the grant process is to email requesting a meeting so that we can learn more about each other. Following the initial meeting, you may be asked to submit a letter of inquiry (LOI). The LOI is an opportunity for us to learn more about your organization and need. A submission or request for an LOI is not an indication that funding will be awarded. Depending on the size of your request, the LOI may provide us with enough information to make a funding decision. For larger requests, the next step of the process is to submit a grant application. During the grant application process, we may request an additional meeting or site visit with several or all of the board members to learn more about your work. More information will be provided regarding the LOI and Grant Application during our initial meeting.
The Grant Process
The grant process typically includes the following steps. These steps are subject to change depending on your organization's unique situation or request:

Trimester Grant Cycles 2025
The Foundation makes funding decisions three times a year and accepts emergency requests on a rolling basis. The following shows our typical cycle schedule. These dates are subject to change and you will learn about final dates and requirements during our initial meeting. Unless there is a major organizational change, typically returning grantees do not need to complete a LOI.
T1 LOIs are due on 1/22 with Grant Applications due on 2/12.
T2 LOIs are due on 5/1 with Grant Applications due on 5/16.
T3 LOIs are due on 10/1 with Grant Applications due on 10/17.
The exact due dates and requirements depend on your specific ask and whether or not you are a new grantee. Please contact to learn more about important dates and deadlines specific to your organization and application. If you are requesting funds for your current fiscal year, please ensure that your request comes at least one cycle prior to the end of your fiscal (ex: if your FY ends 12/31, you are eligible to apply in T1 or T2. If your FY ends 6/30, you can apply in T1 or T3). If you are a returning grantee and need an exception made to this policy, please reach out.
Learning & Evaluation

A learning and evaluation report is requested one year after receiving a grant. If you plan on requesting a renewal grant, please submit your report at least one month prior to your renewal request.
As funding partners, we offer two options for the requested evaluation reports. You can (1) submit an applicable evaluation report you have prepared for another funder/annual report or (2) answer our specific evaluation questions that will be shared with you when the grant is distributed. If you select option (1), please note that we may reach out with brief additional follow-up questions. While we do not want to create a burdensome evaluation process for you, it is important to us that we learn about your work and efforts. We also invite you to schedule a call, in person meeting, or video conference to share any reports orally. An oral report can be given instead of a written report or in addition to one. More details will be provided should you receive a grant. Reach out with any questions about this process and feel free to request our evaluation guidelines at any point during the application process to preview our requirements and questions in greater detail.